002  <% Option Explicit %>
003  <!-- Written by Christoph Wille, 4/5/2000 -->
004  <HTML>
005  <HEAD>
006   <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
007   <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Allaire HomeSite 4.5">
008   <TITLE>License Check with ASP</TITLE>
009  </HEAD>
011  <%
012  On Error Resume Next
013  Dim xObj, strLicensee
015  Set xObj = Server.CreateObject("SOFTWING.ASPtear")
016  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
017   Response.Write "AspTear is not installed correctly on your machine. "
018   Response.Write "CreateObject returned the following error: "
019   Response.Write "<strong>" & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description & "</strong>"
020  Else
021   If xObj.IsLicensed Then
022   strLicensee = xObj.Licensee
023   Response.Write "This copy of AspTear is licensed to: " & strLicensee
024   Else
025   Response.Write "Your copy of AspTear is not licensed (eval copy/incorrect license key)"
026   End If
027  End If
028  %>

029  </BODY>
030  </HTML>